




Trade Bitcoins and Crypto Currencies securely with Xtrictech 3PL ’s latest ledger technologies

Time to break stereotypes and gain a higher ROI with Blockchain technologies

Partner with expert blockchain service providers

Blockchain services at Xtrictech 3PL are designed to deliver improved security to enable transparent, traceable transactions. Our Blockchain tools provide instant, shared and up-to-date information drawn from an immutable ledger.

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    Xtrictech 3PL are Blockchain experts

    Blockchain integrates safe and organized ways to keep data fresh. The secure Blockchain databases, modules and tools in use cannot be corrupted or accidentally deleted. They record activities and maintain historical records of your transactions without any security threats.

    Blockchain network types bring trust, accuracy, accountability, reliability and 100% transparency to your digital transactions. Build your ROI and future in top cryptocurrencies with our expert blockchain service providers.

    Our Blockchain Capabilities

    Drive transparent, secure and instant transformations with frictionless Blockchain solutions and services.

    Capability #1

    Financial Infrastructure Solutions

    Start brilliantly with Blockchain’s potential to reinvent your identity, future supply chain and money matters. We offer brand new operating and data models for more resiliency and trust in your applications and use cases.
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    Capability #2

    Supply Chain with Blockchainn

    Address your issues of supply chain authenticity and traceability to enjoy brand differentiation and better engagements. Collaborate with our Blockchain powers and sustainable practices for higher productivity and ROI outcomes.
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    Capability #3

    Consultation & Innovation

    Mitigate risks, optimize workflows, leverage monetization with our Blockchain industry experience. Follow successful road maps for Blockchain prototype designs, training workshops, and secure products.
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    Blockchain Services Stack

    Disrupt the status quo with Blockchain led trust, operational abilities and agile solutions. Our Blockchain experts are waiting to make big differences in how you transact, trade or perform.

    Cross-border Payments

    Enable secure transfers between bank ledgers and world-class payment platforms with disruptive Blockchain solutions. We facilitate lightning fast, seamless and secure cross border payments to ease your pain points.

    Cryptocurrency Exchange

    Select the best cryptocurrency exchange to grow your wealth, diversify investments and hedge against inflation. We empower you to trade, buy and sell top cryptocurrencies with our tailor-made crypto exchange services.

    Anti-money Laundering Tracking System

    Identify, monitor and stop illicit transactions and money laundering activities. Mitigate risks with our network analytics and AML operations. Tighten your sanctions and anti-money laundering compliance instantly.

    What clients are saying

    • Emma Solinas

      Emma Solinas

      CEO, Fasttrack Solutions
      “The groundbreaking technologies and out-of-the box AI solutions provided by Xtrictech 3PL has introduced us to a useful new world of science. Thank you for speeding our transformations.”
    • Mike Simons

      Mike Simons

      COO, Panasonic Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
      “We are enjoying higher sales and more leads with a fast-moving growth graph. Really glad to have connected with your digital transformation team. Thank you Xtrictech 3PL . We needed this!”
    • M. Clayton

      M. Clayton

      MD, Global Technologies
      “Your well designed, efficient data protection solutions are helping us manage complex landscapes and multiple clients with a higher degree of efficiency. We are saving costs by scaling down on premises solutions. Thank you once again.”


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