Machine Learning









Promote your Product’s Customer Intelligence and Creativity with ML Algorithms and Solutions

Data-rich, simple ML platforms to combat complex business challenges

Machine Learning (ML) Consultation & Services

Machine Learning systems are disrupting the digital space

The persistent and rising need for AI enablement requires intelligent new-age products. Globally, organizations are investing in connected devices and intelligent operations to unleash new opportunities. Personalized immersive experiences guided by Machine Learning are impacting most industry verticals. To remain competitive, it has become imperative to derive patterns, predict customer and machine behavior. The ned of the hour is to carry out tasks without any human interventions.
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    Build scalable Machine Learning models

    It is important to accelerate value to market with open-source interoperability, MLOps (machine learning operations) and ML linked tools. Our empowered data scientists and ML developers are working overtime to build, deploy, integrate, monitor and maintain high-quality models.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) custom solutions run complex algorithms to ensure improved productivity and business process automation. At Xtrictech 3PL, we develop innovative and responsible Machine Learning systems and tools on trusted and secure platforms. Our experts fast track the anomalies in your IT decisions to provide a higher ROI with reliable ML services.

    Accelerate with ML Model Development

    Accelerate your business goals with fully-managed ML services, implementation resources and infrastructure. Our ML-enabled data analytics enhance customer experiences and reduce operational costs for your digital transformation journey.

    Capability #1

    Build Machine Learning Models at Scale

    We empower on-premise data scientists and engineers with smart ML strategies to build, deploy and maintain business-critical models with more confidence. Set the stage for accelerated business outcomes with industry-specific ML and AI solutions and innovate with confidence.
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    Capability #2

    Custom-Made Responsible ML Solutions

    Leverage the powers of tailor-made and trained ML models to access open-source frameworks, integrated tools and support for libraries. Our MLOps experts deploy responsible solutions and models to protect data, address your common problems and optimize business processes.
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    Capability #3

    Accelerated ML Adoption for Early Modernization

    Work with competency partners to adopt the latest ML tools and upskill your teams to deal with new platforms. We launch ML adoption assistance initiatives to jumpstart your proof of concepts. Our direct, automated and scalable mechanisms are designed to fast-track your modernization roadmaps.
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    ML Use Cases

    Applications for Greater Benefits

    ML use cases to optimize business operation, enhance CX/ IX, and integrate innovative strategies for current and future benefits. The ML specialists at Xtrictech 3PL can use rapid data analysis and intelligent algorithms in various ways to improve the productivity and performance of your business.

    Customer Service Automation

    Automate all low priority and mundane routine tasks to free your valuable in-house customer service resources — our ML strategies resolve issues and provide 24/7 assistance.

    Object Recognition

    Collect related processes to identify objects in digitized images. Our object recognition techniques are supported by intelligent ML applications to enable seamless tasks.


    Complex networks are open to never-ending security threats, malware attacks and hacking issues — let us identify and mitigate such threats effectively.

    Fraud Detection

    Online financial transactions and financial data are vulnerable to suspicious activities and frauds. Our ML algorithms review transactional data and detect frauds in time for you.

    Data-rich Machine Learning Solutions

    Take on complex business challenges and day-to-day operational issues with our ML services. We accelerate your business with fully-managed ML applications for anomaly detection, spam filtering, future forecasting, product recommendations and several other business needs.
    • Deep Learning via the perfect mix of memory, network, software, drivers and storage tools.
    • Intelligent image recognition services for detecting objects, meanings or attributes in images.
    • Cutting-edge predictive analysis solutions for quick, actionable insights and business outcomes.
    • NLP solutions and AI models backed by high-end ML tools and techniques for IT acceleration.

    ML Use Cases

    Applications for Greater Benefits

    ML use cases to optimize business operation, enhance CX/ IX, and integrate innovative strategies for current and future benefits. The ML specialists at Xtrictech 3PL can use rapid data analysis and intelligent algorithms in various ways to improve the productivity and performance of your business.

    Gain a deeper understanding of business problems with data analysis and ML-aided tools.


    Improve data quality with clean, transformed databases that can be easily analyzed and processed.


    Develop and train ML-models and apps to achieve the desired accuracy and efficiency metrics.


    Deploy a robust ML infrastructure to accelerate and scale your digital transformation journey.

    What clients are saying

    • Emma Solinas

      Emma Solinas

      CEO, Fasttrack Solutions
      “The groundbreaking technologies and out-of-the box AI solutions provided by Xtrictech 3PL has introduced us to a useful new world of science. Thank you for speeding our transformations.”
    • Mike Simons

      Mike Simons

      COO, Panasonic Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
      “We are enjoying higher sales and more leads with a fast-moving growth graph. Really glad to have connected with your digital transformation team. Thank you Xtrictech 3PL . We needed this!”
    • M. Clayton

      M. Clayton

      MD, Global Technologies
      “Your well designed, efficient data protection solutions are helping us manage complex landscapes and multiple clients with a higher degree of efficiency. We are saving costs by scaling down on premises solutions. Thank you once again.”


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