Application Management







Bring your Next B2B, B2C, or In-House Operation Ideas to Reality with End-to-end Application Management Services

For Acceleration And Business Agility

empower your internal IT and application management teams

The impact created by digital transformation and disruptions requires proactive innovation for companies to evolve and accept changes, as and when they happen.
The modern and ever-changing IT landscape is ridden with complex applications. The high cost of managing disruptions caused by accelerated modernization is just one of the many challenges faced by companies worldwide. In the competitive scenario, operating models and new-age applications require agile and customer-friendly management to overcome the challenges of the digital age.

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    Xtrictech 3PL are AMS experts

    There is an emergent need to improve application performance with proper maintenance of technology, applications and infrastructure. Middleware, portals and legacy systems have to be managed and maintained professionally. That’s why companies are aiming for seamless technical support , optimized operations practice processes and maximum cost reductions to deliver next-gen customer experiences.

    The Application Management System (AMS) services provided by Xtrictech 3PL understands the IT and business objectives of all industry verticals. We provide future-friendly managed service models to propel their evolution through the right app management tools and methods. Our fully-managed industry-leading services include information management, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), systems integration and digital transformation to provide better business outcomes.

    Our Capabilities

    We configure, monitor, optimize and manage different app services to bring in all the benefits of today’s AMS marketplace.

    Service #1

    Application Modernization

    Transform your existing applications and unlock their full potential with modernized solutions, cloud adoption and easy to use digital acceleration tools. Our app modernization specialists simplify app management to lower costs and improve productivity with quality codes, agile development and smarter testing.
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    Service #2

    Cloud Migration

    Leverage the cloud migration benefits of Google, AWS and Salesforce, AWS to scale your digital evolution journey. The cloud developers and consultants at Xtrictech 3PL help you get optimal investment benefits by recommending the right cloud platforms. Adopt our distinctive cloud migration approach to escalate your business.
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    Service #3

    Quality Engineering

    Achieve viable and profitable products with our quality engineers. We use DevOps, automation, AI and new technology advancements to match QA initiatives with your business perspectives. Optimize release cycles and reduce operational costs with the best quality engineering solutions to gain a strong, long-lasting competitive edge.
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    Ongoing Support for Applications

    We aim to provide consistent support for app maintenance and management. From bug-fixing to releasing patches, managing app versions, introducing minor enhancements and monitoring your releases, we do it all.

    Application Troubleshooting

    Our application developers resolve the problems of runtime errors, slow request handling, unavailability of components and poor data quality. Troubleshoot the bugs, misbehaviors and recurrent issues in your critical applications.

    Application Optimization

    We modify and restructure solutions for optimal outcomes from business policies, data, and workflows. Our application specialists track any changes regularly. They review the processes and features to ensure seamless transactions.

    Application Enhancements

    Applications require constant upgrades and modifications to provide optimal returns to their users. We take care of your requests for complex and minor app changes without delay to keep them current.

    Training & Change Management Services

    New-age change management and training programs include risk analysis, full test coverage, after-launch reviews and onsite training sessions. Our change agents ensure all app users are confident of functional extensions.

    Intelligent AMS Services to Handle Any Challenge

    The complexities of your business will expand as the number of deployed applications increase. We provide fully-managed application management services to handle the challenges of quality engineering, application development and data management. Our application management services handle internal backlogs to reduce costs and ease enterprise-wide app adoption.
    • Systems analysis capabilities to enable improved application TCO and operational cost savings.
    • Engineering recommendations for migration, upgrades and re-architecting of applications.
    • Prompt enhancements and upgrades for more streamlined containerization and changes.
    • Application optimization tools to tap the hidden potential of your apps and favor fast growth.

    Why Xtrictech 3PL?​

    We empower your internal IT and application management teams with new capabilities to ensure the proper functioning of apps. We fix the bugs and inefficiencies in your applications at short notice to ensure seamless operations and customer experiences. The application managed solutions provided by our AMS specialists use advanced tools and functions. They make your applications and software run without glitches and at peak performance levels.

    Integrate the latest engineering practices and technologies to escalate agility and speed.


    Automate with AI, analytics, and new application capabilities to improve competitiveness.


    Enhance application security to mitigate risks and vulnerabilities while reducing IT spending.


    Unleash opportunities by restructuring your applications, IT environment, vendors and people.

    What clients are saying

    • Emma Solinas

      Emma Solinas

      CEO, Fasttrack Solutions
      “The groundbreaking technologies and out-of-the box AI solutions provided by Xtrictech 3PL has introduced us to a useful new world of science. Thank you for speeding our transformations.”
    • Mike Simons

      Mike Simons

      COO, Panasonic Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
      “We are enjoying higher sales and more leads with a fast-moving growth graph. Really glad to have connected with your digital transformation team. Thank you Xtrictech 3PL . We needed this!”
    • M. Clayton

      M. Clayton

      MD, Global Technologies
      “Your well designed, efficient data protection solutions are helping us manage complex landscapes and multiple clients with a higher degree of efficiency. We are saving costs by scaling down on premises solutions. Thank you once again.”


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