Improving CTRs with Next Best Content Recommenders

Case Study: AI ML Solutions / Advanced Analytics

Improving CTRs with Next Best Content Recommenders


One of the largest telecommunications provider partnered with Xtrictech 3PL to use AI/ML solutions to improve its CTR metrics to command higher charges from 3rd party advertisers. Xtrictech 3PL 's solution improved CTR metrics by 21% on average.


  • Client generates revenue from 3rd parties for its online advertisement platform. The platform selection of AD display is based on need-based segmentation mapped between the user and the AD content tags. However, the Client has not achieved the desired target click-through rate (CTR).
  • The client wants to improve its CTR metrics to command higher charges from 3rd party advertisers.

Solutions Offered

  • The AI/ML solution replaced the need-based segmentation with context-based propensities prediction to drive the best AD to display.
  • The solution uses the cognitive AI technique to provide more granular intelligence than the segmentation approach to create “perceived personalization” between the AD content and the user.
  • The solution improved the CTR metrics by 21% on average