Natural language Processing (NLP)








Build fully-automated NLP pipeline for highest quality control and real-time project statistics

Integrate Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities

Interpret Human Behavior and Languages with Pathbreaking NLP Solutions

Intelligent Natural Language Processing solutions are not restricted to words

They identify sentiments, needs and intent. NPA understands the underlying meaning behind instructions, insights and actions to deliver impressive results. Resultantly, organizations are migrating to AI-driven NLP search results, chatbots, virtual assistants and other communication tools to remain ahead in the race and create the right impact.
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    Xtrictech 3PL are NLP experts

    The implementation of NLP applications is not easy. Organizations face mission-critical challenges while using NLP technology. These challenges include and are not restricted to:

    • Conveying emotions to machines in a manner that they can decipher conversations to deliver the right response.
    • Sarcasm, metaphors and other rules of information transfer that create abstract notations for NLP applications.
    • AI-aided NLP tools that find it difficult to understand theoretical concepts, the plurality of objects and the ambiguity linked with inherent concepts.

    At Xtrictech 3PL, our NLP implementation teams develop fundamental processes and tasks that draw from AI-driven insights and data analysis tools. We simplify complex human-machine interactions to provide interactive, future-ready and contextually relevant digital experiences. Most importantly, we deliver NLP driven ideas and implementations that have the human touch.

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) Services

    Enable your digital products and applications to hear, see and understand human languages. Produce and provide the right response with Natural Language Processing.

    Service #1

    NLP-aided Sentiment Analysis

    Increase your productivity and ROI with smart sentiment analysis. The NLP models structured by our expert teams understand the context of human languages and emotions to address consumer needs and expectations effectively. We provide the finest Sentiment Analysis techniques to formulate intelligent business strategies and improve your leads and marketing campaigns.
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    Service #2

    Entity Extraction with NLP

    We hold the expertise to assess the value of your information-rich unstructured data and put it to good use. Our NLP-supported entity extraction processes automate and analyze free-form text from diverse and disconnected sources to aid your decision-making processes. Invest in our entity extraction services to personalize search algorithms and enjoy the best business outcomes.
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    Service #3

    Intent Classification

    Automate the understanding of complex languages to help your NLP applications identify user intent, objectives and their undertone. Our intent classification techniques analyze customer conversations for efficient data processing. Discover how our teams train models, chatbots, and interaction systems to calculate sentence vectors and text inputs for apt classifications.
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    Benefits of Natural Language Processing

    NLP impacts businesses positively by breaking down human languages and creating scalable roadmaps for machines to analyze data automatically. Our NLP consultation and process development solutions provides you with streamlined operations, improved customer satisfaction, and a reduction in overall costs for a higher ROI.

    Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

    Automatically analyze and classify customer requests on the basis of urgency, intent, issue or topics. Our NLP customer support tools manage, route, track and respond instantly to deliver superior customer experiences and services.

    More Empowered Employees

    Automated processes aided by NLP-enabled tools and principles can leave your employees free to concentrate on their core capabilities, eliminating repetitive tasks that leave your employees bored, tired or with a lack of focus.

    Improved understanding of Market Movements

    Leverage end-to-end natural language processing strategies to gather a deep understanding of human languages to impact your marketing strategies and increase your visibility, traffic and reach.

    Actionable and Real-time Insights

    Additional levels of analyses are included to break down the text in online reviews, comments and open-ended survey responses. Our strategies and applications understand unstructured data so they can be understood by your machines.

    Enable Natural Language Processing

    We brainstorm with you to explain the NLP implementation steps that are most relevant to the tasks to be performed. Our NLP development services rely on different data analysis tools and text types to make human-machine interactions easy and business-specific.
    • We deliver digital experiences that are interactive and in context to your business.
    • Our expert NLP consultation and development services deliver a higher, proven ROI.
    • Our next-gen Natural Language Processing tools and techniques are very ‘human’.
    • We remove irrelevant or damaged data and normalize useful text for deep analysis.

    Empower Machine Learning with NLP Services

    Xtrictech 3PL delivers scalable, flexible and accurate Natural Language Processing outcomes to automate your business in the shortest possible time.

    Seamless extraction and analysis of text, keywords, sentiments and relationships.


    Domain-specific data for end-to-end NLP solutions and more comprehensive insights.


    Quick extraction of data to automate workflows quickly and without any hiccups.


    Real-world experience of Natural Language Processing projects in different languages.

    What clients are saying

    • Emma Solinas

      Emma Solinas

      CEO, Fasttrack Solutions
      “The groundbreaking technologies and out-of-the box AI solutions provided by Xtrictech 3PL has introduced us to a useful new world of science. Thank you for speeding our transformations.”
    • Mike Simons

      Mike Simons

      COO, Panasonic Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
      “We are enjoying higher sales and more leads with a fast-moving growth graph. Really glad to have connected with your digital transformation team. Thank you Xtrictech 3PL . We needed this!”
    • M. Clayton

      M. Clayton

      MD, Global Technologies
      “Your well designed, efficient data protection solutions are helping us manage complex landscapes and multiple clients with a higher degree of efficiency. We are saving costs by scaling down on premises solutions. Thank you once again.”


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