September 22, 2022

Role of Hybrid Workplace Environment – Resetting the Future

Photo for Role of Hybrid Workplace Environment – Resetting the Future

A hybrid work environment is all set to play a pivotal role in our ‘return to office’ strategy at Xtrictech 3PL.

The revolutionary shifts caused by the Pandemic have established that knowledge workers need not visit the workplace (regularly or often) to get work done. With the future of work changing forever, workplaces are now looking very different from before. Given the changes that have set in, managers, individual contributors and the C-suite are opting for feasible workplace engagements with new views, priorities, agendas and values.

We are doing the same at Xtrictech 3PL !

Future Plans for Returning to Work in These Times

We are constantly exploring the new environment to foster better return-to-work options. They are strategizing a feasible ‘return to office’ model basis future industry demands, the size of our business and various other factors. Following the cues lent by organizations pursuing similar work models, we are working on a long-term, employee-friendly sustainable model with the right mix of remote and in-person configurations.

Chalking the Way Forward

Managers and supervisors @ Xtrictech 3PL are also working on the best workplace model to provide autonomy to our valuable employees. They are in the constant process of:

  • Determining specific client needs to include a fully remote, 100 per cent on-site or a hybrid workplace model to succeed.
  • Redefining how and from where work gets done to support collaboration and connectivity.

Use of Hybrid Workplace Engagements for Better Results

Worldwide, most major IT and tech companies have declared their return to office policies with hybrid work environments. Attending office, just once or twice a week is acceptable. The use of such hybrid engagements, backed by networks of service providers and suppliers, helps in getting work done differently. With this in view, Xtrictech 3PL is also ready to introduce alternative work delivery models to lend support to new, AI-enabled work models. The hybrid engagements recommended by our leaders extend to the human resources market as well.

How are Hybrid Models and Related Workplace Engagements Helpful?

  • Hybrid workplace engagements evolve the work environment so that stakeholders may work, lead or manage more effectively.
  • They provide flexible work options to employees so that they are not tempted to shift jobs for a more relaxed working environment.
  • Hybrid workspaces create comfortable grounds for direct supervisors and mid-level managers, especially those who are reluctant to shift to a worker-led hybrid or fully remote workplace model.

Why is Hybrid a Helpful Return-to-Work Model?

Our employees, while working from the comfort of their homes or other remote locations, are equally focused as their counterparts working from office.

  • They enjoy tangible, real benefits of distributed models, without impacting their productivity in any way.
  • They can exchange long commutes and face-to-face meetings with quality time at home and videoconferences/ virtual meetings.
  • They can use the time spent commuting for healthier lifestyle choices and relationships, more sleep and a better work-life balance.
The positive impacts of more flexible, remote workplaces have decreased the need for 100 per cent face-to-face time. Sometimes, the office environment is also required to instill and maintain organizational work culture. The shift to hybrid work brings multiple considerations when it comes to safety, culture, and business travel.

Safety and Health Concerns of Employees

Our new workplace environment policies encompass all Pandemic-related safety and health protocols; with social distancing as a strong priority. We facilitate better in-person interactions, scheduled travels, lucrative business outcomes and employee experiences via:

Xtrictech 3PL – WE Reimagine YOUR Future

Hybrid workplaces are the new normal.…….and we are not going back to the 9 to 5 workplace model the way we all know.

Are you ready?

At Xtrictech 3PL , we firmly believe that the need for hybrid workplace models varies for industry verticals and organizations. After months of working remotely, an altogether new sense of flexibility and freedom is required to understand workers and their sentiments, priorities, agendas and values.

Along with YOU, we are all set to thrive as a hybrid company. We invite you to experience the flexibility you need to remain productive – from anywhere, anytime.

Join us as we ‘Return to Work’ after a long phase of ‘Work from Home’.