September 8, 2022

Modernization of Technology

Photo for Modernization of Technology

Xtrictech 3PL Integrates and Implements Technology for Leaders

Initiate, implement, integrate and enjoy the benefits of transformation and technology modernization programs. Xtrictech 3PL collaborates with the C-suite to transform work and workplaces with the latest technology and automation strategies.

Technology is the path forward. The capabilities and tools of technology are essential for escalating business value. The key to business growth, sustainability and endurance lie in the modernization of technology. At Xtrictech 3PL , we are committed to creating scalable and robust modern technology platforms to bolster the transformation efforts of businesses.

We provide:

  • Business process re-engineering and strategy execution consultancy to fortify technology modernization initiatives.
  • End-to-end modernization of legacy firms in line with specific business drivers and market shifts.
  • Dynamic and centralized technical platforms to re-engineer business processes and make clients future-ready.

Need for Technology Modernization for Digital Transformation

The Pandemic has reinforced the urgency of investing in IT modernization. Most organizations have either attained or are reformatting their goals for technology modernization. To excel, or to remain in the race, they are reformatting legacy applications, work processes and mindsets with smart IT modernization initiatives.

However, several organizations are still waiting to take the first step. It is now essential for such businesses to determine and navigate the potholes present in their legacy systems.

  • The early adoption of technology trends, cloud architecture, automated applications and processes can escalate business value and ROI.

  • IT departments can handle the challenges of digital economic activities, daily operational tasks, networks and communications, governance and compliance issues in a better way with modern technology.

Reach out to the technology experts and digital transformation teams at Xtrictech 3PL to understand where you stand in the race to modernization. They will assess the loopholes in your IT system and recommend cost-friendly modernization tools to propel your success.

Impact of Technology Modernization

Decentralized and heavily-segmented IT infrastructure or data makes it difficult for IT teams to track, supervise and maintain their operations. The digital transformation team at Xtrictech 3PL proposes result-oriented modernization solutions to ensure data and regulatory compliances. Our technology modernization services escalate digital transformation journeys with:

Cloud Architecture

Cost-effective cloud migration and a solid data management strategy improves access and connectivity. Resultantly, employees can focus on their core activities and solve issues in a better way.

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)

The use of Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) allows for faster data transformation, keeping the efficacy and security of enterprise data intact. With iPaaS, employees can concentrate on key issues with more effective operational control and recognition.


A secure and updated IT infrastructure provides complete visibility of data and controls data movement. It keeps a watch on how data is used by external stakeholders or analyzed for decision-making purposes.

Agile Environment

An agile and responsive organizational environment, supported by the right enterprise data management strategy, provides a strong competitive edge to modern businesses. This is why it is important to invest in a flexible but robust IT system that provides real-time results with speedy data transfers.

Application Modernization: Update Legacy Applications | Build New Applications | Align Goals

The cloud and IT technology specialists at Xtrictech 3PL apply innovative, new tools and processes to replace legacy codes. They rearchitect organizations to achieve flexibility and agility, along with addressing their core business requirements. With timely modernization and extensive new techniques, legacy applications can achieve:

  • Increased savings in infrastructure development, maintenance and upgrades.
  • Reduced running and application maintenance costs.
  • Lower costs of software, hardware and staff maintenance.
  • Consistent increase in the operational efficiency of applications.
  • Satisfactory increase in the annual revenues.
These primary business benefits of adopting technology are impacting the operations of companies worldwide.
  • By modernizing applications, organizations can increase their speed of digital adoption and transformation.
  • The use of modern technologies and platforms bridges the gap between the old and new thus providing organizations with a strong competitive edge.
  • Modernization of existing applications increases their compatibility with new codes, technologies and platforms.
  • Legacy applications can be transformed into cloud-native applications to offer several benefits like scalability, lower costs, agility and quicker time to market.
  • Frequent updates, timely security patches and bug fixes improve process efficiencies. They reduce the pressure on IT operators and enhance business performance.
  • Obsolete and legacy applications are not compliance-ready and fail to align with modern authentication methods and security standards. Modernization reduces security threats to make legacy systems less vulnerable to cyberattacks and downtime.
  • Modernization of IT ecosystems enable the use of AL, ML, Big Data, cloud and other digital technologies to build a future-ready foundation.
  • Developer productivity increases by modernizing applications as it provides access to better engineering tools and development services.

Benefits of Technology Modernization

Emerging technology is creating paradigm shifts in the existing transformative business environment. Undoubtedly technology is playing a decisive role in escalating innovation, client experiences and organizational success. The primary benefits of modernizing with technology are enabling organizations to:

  • Leverage the benefits of optimized cloud architecture and to deploy new technology-backed actions.
  • Integrate application security and business process controls to transform and safeguard digital assets during the entire transformation process.
  • Implement governance and compliance to reduce the risks of spiraling costs, unmet goals, diminished employee morale and improper enterprise transformation.
  • Enforce truly transformative impacts of digital transformation by anchoring technology in the organization’s vision, decisions and strategies.

Technology Modernization – The Way Forward

Code Migration | UI Modernization | Database Migration and Maintenance | OS upgrade

Reach out to our specialists to ‘modernize and accelerate’. Enquire about the many aspects of implementing technology based on your ongoing and future business needs. From upgrading the core technology stack of legacy applications to upgrading operating systems and building robust cloud architecture – we can do it all to boost your success.